Man's abusive texts to former spouse amount to family violence against their daughter: B.C. judge

Text messages are helpful tools for communication. In some cases, though, they can be weaponized to facilitate intimate-partner abuse.

This was the case for an anonymous Prince George woman, whose case was covered by CBC News. Her former partner terrorized her with a barrage of text messages in which he called her names and threatened to spread intimate photos of her, burn down her home, and kidnap their daughter. According to court documents, on some days he would text his ex-partner continuously from morning until night, exposing her to a constant bombardment of hateful and frightening language. 

On one occasion he broke into her home, wrote the word ‘rat’ on multiple surfaces, and texted her an image of the open front door. He has since been prohibited by a court of law from having contact with his ex-partner and their child, but he has stated that nothing will deter him from continuing to harass his ex-partner and that he will “never stop”.

Unfortunately, cases like this one are all too common, and many individuals lack the knowledge and the tools to seek the help they need.

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