You are not alone.

A survey conducted by the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) in 2014 discovered that a staggering 97% of domestic violence support programs confirmed the misuse of technology by abusers to stalk, harass, and dominate survivors.

Anya's Terrifying Experience with Stalking
iSurvived IPV iSurvived IPV

Anya's Terrifying Experience with Stalking

When Anya started going to university, she aspired to become a neurologist. She pursued her studies at the University of Guelph in Ontario to make her dream come true. However, her journey took a nightmarish turn due to the actions of a teaching assistant, who was 12 years older than her.

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Sharing your story of intimate partner abuse can be a powerful act of empowerment for other victims. By opening up about your experiences, you break the silence that often shrouds these issues, helping survivors realize they are not alone. Your courage can inspire others to seek help and support, to ultimately break free from their own abusive situations. Sharing your story fosters a sense of community and solidarity, creating a safe space for survivors to speak out and find the strength to heal and rebuild their lives.