'I have no freedom': Regina Women Share Horrific Stalking Stories

The end of a relationship can be a risky time for women who experience intimate partner violence, as it often is marked with criminal harassment and/or stalking. Women reported having been stalked to various places but felt that their homes were most vulnerable. Offenders would show up to women's houses, even while their children were home and threatened to break in or harm the women. Such events took place for months or even years. One woman reported sleeping with a hammer nearby to feel safe. The author, Kim Zorn, hopes that her study title β€œThe impact of intimate partner stalking on women targets: A narrative inquiry analysis,” will provide valuable insight for law enforcement as women express their frustrations over how law enforcement handled their complaints. The criminal justice system needs to take claims of stalking seriously and be empathetic of victims, especially in recognition of the dangerous nature of intimate partner stalking.

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